fergie's Diaryland Diary


common sense

Got an email today about the death of Common Sense.
(thx GQ)
I believe common sense started to get pushed to the back burner when major industry adapted their fuck you sense of service and government officials known to commit illegal acts were allowed to continue serving in office. When superfluous lawsuits became common and Prince became a symbol no one could verbalize, the last flames went out. Let us never forget our dear friend, and keep common sense close to our own hearts so it may live forever. Amen.

11:30 p.m. - Aug. 09, 2002


WTFWFD: intervention

what the fuck would fergie do?

A buddy of mine poseted an entry the other day questioning the relevance of stepping in and intervening in someone else�s life. He sent me the post in an email asking my thoughts. What the fuck would fergie do?

One of my basic tenets in life is that everyone should be allowed (and encouraged) to do whatever makes them happy, AS LONG AS they do not impose themselves on anyone else. For example, blowing bubbles should be encouraged because it doesn't hurt anyone, whereas killing people entails a drastic imposition on others and should be discouraged. Boxing is good, because both parties are consenting, but picking fights is bad. But how should I treat self-destructive behaviors? For example, anorexics choose to starve themselves. Far from being (physically) harmful to others, this activity weakens anorexics to the point where they couldn't possibly harm another person and leaves more food for the rest of us. But I'm being facetious; anorexia is obviously unhealthy. But do I have the right to intervene in someone else's life "for his/her own good"? Or must I allow that person continue to follow his/her desires because of my wish that others accord me the same respect? Despite the hypocrisy involved, I wouldn't allow any of my friends to kill themselves with heroin. I would physically lock them in a room until they came clean, and I wouldn't care how much they harped on me for not letting them live their own lives. The problem is that none of us knows what is truly in another's best interest. Unfortunately, many people believe that what is best for them must be best for others. For example, a pro-football star forces his son into the game at a young age. But *sometimes* people are correct to second-guess individuals and really do know what would be best for that person. When should (if ever) people arrest others from committing self-destructive acts? -Al (jack of hearts)

Mind your own business and don�t waste your time/energy worrying about what others do to them selves. We�ve become a society full of voyeurs, so involved in what�s going on next door we don�t notice the blinds are on fire in our own homes. I've also found that the majority of people really only want what's "best for you" when it fits their agenda. Those who are over concerned with how others are living their lives are controlling and overbearing, and rather full of themselves if they think their opinion is better than anyone else's in any given situation. When it adversely effects someone's health, the decision to intervene depends on the severity of the problem and your relationship with the person. You can't save everyone. Most people don't even want to save themselves, which is why they�re on a self-destructive path to begin with. Are their actions a cry for help, and if so, why is it up to you to take control for them? The best advice is to go with your heart. A wise woman once said: "Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be dammed if you do, and dammed if you don't." So make a choice you can live with, don't second guess yourself, and decide not to give a fuck about anyone else�s opinion.

Except mine, of course.

8:58 p.m. - Aug. 08, 2002


deliver me

Deliver Me
Forget the A&F catalog, those slightly rugged, sporty looking pretty boy next door types are delivering your UPS packages, picking up those urgent FedEx air mails, and displaying their bulging biceps carrying this weeks supply of water to the office cooler. Don't think I haven't noticed their lean, muscular bodies, or their young, handsome faces. I'll bet you have too. If not, it's time to get with the program. Delivery guys are fucking hot.

I even have a crush on the mail room guy. His cuteness is simple and understated, but approachable and casual. Average height, Asian, and sexy in that Joe Average kind of way. Then there�s the aforementioned water buy, who looks like he might have a little Latin mix going on. Again with dark features, but his face is sharp and his hair is longer in the front. He�s shorter, but my X-Ray vision can see right through that Sparklets shirt, and I can tell the total package is tight. My favorite is the FedEx boy. He�s white, buff, shaved head, and kind of stupid looking. The kind of guy that looks like he�s built for sex, basically.

I figure at least one of my boys is batting for my team. I guess I�ll just have to shamelessly throw myself at them all.

10:40 p.m. - Aug. 06, 2002



[noo - ness]
1. recently inspired to take on new ambitions 2. the beginning of an emerging life trend. 3. the feeling that even old aspects of daily interaction have taken on new significance.

9:59 p.m. - Aug. 06, 2002


horoscope: revealing intensity

Horoscope [aries]: You might be willing to reveal aspects of yourself that others rarely see. You'll probably feel drawn to things that are somewhat heavy or intense at this time.

I have many changes planned for the months ahead, and while I'm more inclined to take a nap than to do something constructive, a newness has come over me recently that has started to change various aspects of my life. As ever, each day is a work in progress, but now I think I have a better vision of what I'm working towards. It's good to have a plan.

As long as you know the plan is subject to change.

12:42 p.m. - Aug. 05, 2002


new official fergie T-shirt

It's ok to be a label whore
as long as you're wearing the right label.

8:48 p.m. - Aug. 04, 2002


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