fergie's Diaryland Diary


Some casual inquiries after a night of TeeVee

Some casual inquiries after a night of TeeVee

I must be in a good mood this morning. I slowed down for an old man crossing one of Hollywood�s neighborhood side roads that I take to work. Usually I�d slow, but I�d be all, Move it old man. C�mon! Get out the way, oldfentimer!

Anyway, last night once again found the Whore & I suckling the picture box. Los Simpson, Invasion, which we actually didn�t watch - listening to music instead, Vegas, and Medium. Then Los Simpson again, just before bedtime. It got me thinking about a few things.

Why is ER still on? Even Noah Wyle left.

What the fuck happened to Laura Flynn Boyle�s upper lip? It�s totally morphed into a pale pink version of the prosthetic what�s-his-name wore as HellBoy.

And finally, do commercials in which people jump off a rocky cliff truly require a disclaimer? I mean, come on! Any damn fool who doesn�t have the sense to know canyon parachuting requires advanced skills gets what�s coming to them.

1:21 p.m. - Sept. 27, 2005


kitty got mail

Kitty Got Mail

Wadup kitty... can I get a kiss? I kiss cats with a passion and will probably eat you alive! I'm 30, black male, downtown L.A. in my loft, USC grad student, musician, writer... and itching to make you purr (if you're soft and sweet... no clawing please)... Come through for chronic and catnip! -USCguy

Seriously, people are fucked up. I mean, its one thing to create an elaborate mySpace page for one�s pet written in her first person perspective, it�s quite another to browse the member directory and proposition furry creatures with a romantic evening.

see: Feline related items on the links page

12:21 a.m. - Sept. 24, 2005


I say eff that and eff you

I say eff that and eff you

Normally, I don�t give a crap about the ridiculous things I spout off in this weblog. It just so happens that every time I post an entry that contains potentially offensive material, which is basically every month, someone who may be evaluating me for an upcoming project of some sort has my main web address at their fingertips.

Well, I say fuck �em if they can�t take a joke.

6:36 p.m. - Sept. 19, 2005


Stupidity is a form of Terrorism

Stupidity is a form of Terrorism

Los Angeles sat without power during a hot Southern California afternoon earlier this week. I was so unaffected I don�t even remember when, exactly. Honestly wasn�t a big deal. Especially considering it was the middle of the day and no larger problem presented itself, like extended outages, complete system meltdown, or fucking drowning fer christsake. Even so, people have been bitching about it ever since.

Media sources latched onto the story, mainly because no major celebrities have been accused of murder, caught laundering money, or selling children into the slave trade recently. Editors without the flashy drama of the storm will soon find everyone getting totally bored with hurricane Katrina updates. Instead, so-called journalists and political media mavens are furrowing their collective brow with concern over power stability in one of our largest and most populace states. It all goes back to The Terrorists.

A few days prior, some Islamic (though American born) dude from the OC sent a vaguely threatening video to ABC news under the guise of al Qaeda (black headdress, rifle). No actual ties have been confirmed to any bad guy organizations, despite a previous tape professing similar claims. Although completely unrelated, officials continued to emphasize the disruption was not a terrorist attack, relaying details of human error with rather red faces.

Fists are shaking at local business and administration. If it HAD been The Terrorists, once again we would have been caught pants down without a condom. Well, duh. All evidence of our Chaotic Kingdom presented itself in the form of a massive national disaster relief blunder just weeks ago. Remember? Hurricane Sabrina?

Now can everyone please shut the fuck up? We�re doomed, no matter what happens, and we�re all going to die, get over it! Y�all want to live forever or something? The American Hero�s I know aren�t a bunch of crybaby die easies. Chin up, soldiers, onward march!!

9:18 p.m. - Sept. 18, 2005


�Qu� Pasta?

�Qu� Pasta?

As my home phone line only serves to connect the DSL modem, I had no reservations about completing a request form for the reduced universal flat-rate SBC offers to low income households. It is possible to be fairly creative when reporting income with regard to legality, but hardly necessary considering my current state of financial affairs. Suffice it to say, I met the program criteria. It was an honest and rather sobering moment, one that I quickly acknowledged without any loss of pride.

It�s not at all uncommon to receive multi-lingual material as a resident of Southern California. I had no particular reaction upon seeing the reverse side of the form in Espa�ol, though obviously left blank when returned for processing.

Now I�m receiving promotional material from SBC-Dish Network, advertising discount rates for Spanish cable television. I�m curious to know if skin color disqualifies me for the phone rate, or if I can get cheap basic cable service that matches my own ethnic background. I�m thinking a GLBT package would include Bravo, Lifetime, maybe the Home & Garden channel.

ps-despite the pitfalls of poverty, I can't help but love my job. If you haven't seen proof of the latest teen queen virginity bubble to burst, check out this post.

6:54 p.m. - Sept. 16, 2005




Blood Lust:
Erotic Vampire Tales

Featuring BAD BLOOD
By Wes Ferguson (that's ME!)

BUY IT @ aDifferentLightBookstore
    also available on amazon.com

8:08 a.m. - Sept. 14, 2005


The Illusion Continues

The Illusion Continues

"Terrorism and war have something in common. They both involve the killing of innocent people to achieve what the killers believe is a good end."
--Howard Zinn

Here we are again, four years later. What�s changed?

10:33 p.m. - Sept. 11, 2005


party on

Party On

Hardy, who has been publishing his guide for 30 years and is one of the foremost experts on Mardi Gras, said next year's celebration is also important because it's the 150th anniversary of the first formal parades in the city. The Civil War interrupted partying for a time, and a total of 13 Fat Tuesdays have been canceled because of various conflicts. The 9/11 attacks delayed the parades in 2001, and the Super Bowl set them back a year later. "I've heard some people say we can't do it," Hardy said. "But it's a very significant anniversary, and I can't imagine it going unmarked without some kind of parade. It's in our soul to have Mardi Gras."

12:10 a.m. - Sept. 07, 2005


Another Stupid Holiday

Another Stupid Holiday

"To exhibit to the public 'the strength and esprit of the trade & labor organizations' of the community"

Sounds like some Nazi bullshit to me. Go labor! Work, work, work! Squeeze by a living and make your governmnet rich in taxes. Throw a parade and march on, little worker bees!

I say eff that.

5:25 p.m. - Sept. 05, 2005



Friday Blur

Time really flies when you don�t go into the office until three o�clock in the afternoon. I blame the parade of dirty martinis last night at Hamburger Mary�s. Oh sure, I ordered and drank them on an empty stomach, I just figured the olives served along with my drinks would pass for a meal. According to the invisible ice-pick lodged in my brain this morning, not so much.

This has no bearing on party plans tonight. First off, a birthday party for the ex, then hopping over to a re-housewarming. Only the gays would consider redecorating a reason to throw a party. I love it.

Yee-haw! Bring on the next round of cocktails.

6:36 p.m. - Sept. 02, 2005


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